<aside> đź’ˇ Selection Criteria for these Video ads

When curating a list of the best video ads of 2023, the selection criteria include the following:

  1. Creativity and Originality: Assessing how the ad introduces unique concepts, innovative storytelling, or fresh perspectives to stand out in the crowded feeds.
  2. Audience Engagement: Considering the ad's ability to capture and retain the audience's attention (hooks), provoke thought (hold them), or elicit emotional responses, leading to higher engagement levels.
  3. Brand Message Clarity: Evaluating whether the ad effectively communicates the brand's message, values, and product or service benefits clearly and memorably.
  4. Visual and Audio Quality: Ensuring high production quality, including visuals, sound design, and overall aesthetic appeal, contributes to the ad's impact and professionalism.
  5. Cultural and Social Relevance: Analyzing how the ad resonates with current cultural trends, social issues, or consumer sentiments, making it relevant and timely.
  6. Inclusivity and Diversity: Recognizing ads that successfully incorporate elements of inclusivity and diversity, reflecting a broad spectrum of perspectives and experiences. </aside>

<aside> đź’ˇ We at Nodemedia.co help DTC brands scale with FB + Google ads. If you want to have sustainable growth, add an extra 5-6 fig/m through FB ads; book a call here.


Top Ad Angles

Key Learnings & Takeaways

Learning Example from Script Actionable Step
Emotional Storytelling Auvia planner's personal story Craft ads with narratives that mirror your audience’s experiences to build a deeper emotional connection.
Clear, Benefit-Driven Messaging Revita shampoo’s specific benefits Highlight key benefits of your product succinctly and prominently in your ad content.
Audience-Centric Content Fulton insoles targeting overpronation Identify specific problems or interests of your target audience and address them directly in your ads.
Creative Presentation of USPs Mojo gummies’ unique ingredients Utilize creative formats and storytelling to showcase your product’s unique features.
Brand Consistency Pretty Litter’s focus on unique selling propositions Ensure your ad's messaging and visuals are in line with your overall brand identity.
Strong Call to Action Boundaries Journal's website CTA Include a direct and compelling call to action that guides your audience on the next steps.
Leveraging Testimonials Auvia nutrition tab’s user feedback Use authentic customer testimonials to add credibility and real-life proof of your product’s benefits.
Aligning with Cultural Trends Nixit menstrual cup’s sustainability angle Align your ad content with relevant social and cultural trends to increase relatability and engagement.

Using Frameworks for Video Scriptwriting

Framework Script Example Actionable Step
AIDA Attention: "Are you tired of regular shampoos?"
Interest: "Revita shampoo is different."
Desire: "It makes your hair thicker and fuller."
Action: "Try Revita today." Use this structure to guide the flow of your script: grab attention, spark interest, create a desire for the product, and end with a call to action.
PAS Problem: "Struggling with overpronation can be painful." Agitate: "This leads to discomfort and potential injuries."
Solve: "Fulton insoles provide the support you need." Identify a problem your audience faces, agitate it by emphasizing the negative impacts, then present your product as the solution.
Storytelling "Once, I struggled with daily tasks due to anxiety. Then I discovered the Auvia planner and my life changed. Now, I manage my days with ease and confidence." Craft a narrative that takes the audience on a journey, illustrating how your product can positively transform their experience.
Feature-Benefit "Revita shampoo not only cleanses your hair but also contains ingredients like biotin and caffeine, which help in hair growth and improving thickness." Highlight the features of your product and directly link them to benefits that solve your audience's problems or fulfill their needs.
FAB Feature: "Pretty Litter changes color to indicate health issues." Advantage: "This helps in early detection."
Benefit: "Ensuring your cat stays healthy." Describe a feature of your product, explain how it's advantageous over other options, and how it benefits the user.
Unique Selling Proposition "Nixit is the only menstrual cup with zero suction, making it incredibly comfortable and easy to use." Focus on what sets your product apart from others in the market. Highlight this unique aspect prominently in your script.
Testimonials and Social Proof "Users of Auvia nutrition tabs report improved focus and energy levels. Join thousands who have transformed their daily routine." Use real-life stories or data to demonstrate social proof and reliability. This builds trust in your product among the audience.
Emotional Appeal "With Mojo gummies, not only will you feel more focused, but you'll also tackle your day with newfound calmness and reduced anxiety." Create a script that emotionally resonates with the audience, addressing their emotional needs or aspirations.

<aside> đź’ˇ We at Nodemedia.co help DTC brands scale with FB + Google ads. If you want to have sustainable growth, add an extra 5-6 fig/m through FB ads; book a call here.
